Who that you know wouldn’t prefer peace over turmoil any day of the week? Given the choice, I’m sure we all would choose peace. Right now the country’s in a state of unrest. Not only due to COVID-19 but also because of unfair police practices.
Protests are going on all over the country in response to police brutality and unwarranted actions. However, in the midst of all the chaos and calamity, you could have something that’s worth more than gold. That something is calm, harmony, and serenity also known as peace of mind.
What is peace?
Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.
The dictionary has several meanings…
- The normal, non-warring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world:
- An agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic nations, groups, etc., to end hostilities and abstain from further fighting or antagonism:
- A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations:
- The normal freedom from civil commotion and violence of a community: public order and security:
Peace is also freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Yes, calm and tranquility is a goal we’re all striving for. But it’s also a goal, less accomplished.
Worry and anxiety happens…
These are two issues most people have experienced. Some more than others. Approximately 12% of Americans suffer from some type of anxiety each year. It’s a disorder that makes you fear or worry about things in an extreme way.
The bible states that worry and anxiety should be cast from our lives. It states that we can have the peace and joy that comes from knowing the Lord. He wants us to look to him for guidance to whatever our problems may be. He’s the calm in the middle of the storm.
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
There’s another peace…
It’s a world peace that comes from the outside. It’s settling for the things that the world says should bring us reassurance, happiness, and security. It’s a circumstantial peace. A circumstantial peace is satisfying to the world as long as life is going their way. As long as they’re quote, unquote, well-off, and prospering they’re good.
But that peace is external and can be taken away at any moment. If you base your solitude on the external there’s really no peace.
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Peace comes from within…
The peace of the Lord is from the inside out. The bible tells us that the peace of God transcends all understanding. It is the harmony and calmness of body, mind, and spirit trusting in the power and grace of the Lord. Our peace with Jesus gives us a peace that the world can not describe. It’s quiet, satisfying, and unexplainable. He turns turmoil and confusion into serenity. The peace that comes from within supersedes earthly circumstances. And when storms are raging all around us we don’t bend and we don’t fold.
To know God is to bask in His glory. The closer we draw to him, the more of His peace we can enjoy. Jesus will empower you to have success, security, and protection. Don’t allow the world and all that comes with it distract you and keep you from experiencing the peace that comes from knowing the Lord.
John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world
One More Thing:
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